Locate the People Who Can Take You to Sector 0
Players will want to gather up their belongings before heading out, at which point they'll notice a very exciting new addition... Guns! Lots of guns, in fact. That's handy because it just so happens there's a Goon and some low level zombies across the water.
Regardless of whether fight or flight is chosen, the trip to the far away way-point is inevitable. Just keep moving in the direction of the objective, stopping to secure any overrun Safe Zones or completing any side quests.
Find the Tunnel Leading Out of the Slums (4:38)
After chatting with Cenk it will be time to head for the tunnels.
Follow the Marked Path to Sector 0. (7:06)
Jump into the sewers and start swimming to the east. While Crane's practicing his breast stroke, maybe someone can fill us in on why video games always have dead bodies under water? It's creepy, which we assume is the answer to our question.
When players emerge from below the surface they'll notice a yellow pipe on the left side of the room. Climb up this and to the platform, then jump across to the opposite side. This will lead to a four way intersection of sewage pipes, and the one that gets Crane to his objective is to the east. Head in and drop down to trigger a short radio conversation with Hazan. The ultimate goal is to turn a wheel at the end of a ravine filled with zombies.
After reaching a section with a Toad players will want to climb up the yellow pipes to progress to the next area, which is really just more of the same. Follow the only available path to complete the task.
Survive the Ambush (14:28)
Well this is unfortunate. Turns out that Hazan is not the stand up gentleman we assumed. Remind us to shoot him in the femur if we ever see him again.
Since it kind of does... swim as if Crane's life depended on it, then start taking the fight to Rais' thugs. Players will definitely have use of their guns for this one, and headshots on humans (so far) are one hit kills. Take the time to line up critical hits and cut these fools down with precision violence.
Find Your Way to Sector Zero (17:44)
Continue working through the maze of sewers and tunnels until emerging in a courtyard with more of thugs under the command of Rais. There's only four, so try to hit one with a headshot to immediately up the odds of success. The remaining three are pretty good shots, but timing and bullets to the dome will see players to victory during this encounter.
It's smooth sailing from that point forward. Take some time to loot the area, then move to the objective marker to trigger the mission ending cut scene.
Ask Troy to Help You Find Jade (19:35)
This will be a wonderful break from the grind that has taken place over some very long missions in the last little while. There's still danger here, but the high buildings make it fairly simple to avoid. Our advice would be to focus on side activities such as Safe Houses if players are looking to get things started right with Sector 0. There is just no telling when everything will go sideways, and a secured Safe House is exactly what Kyle Crane needs.
Tip: Players can earn the This is Harraaaaan trophy/achievement by kicking 100 enemies off of rooftops, and this area of the world offers many great opportunities to do just that. It might be a bit tedious to try and get them all in one run, but take advantage of lone zombies standing on tall structures to ease the grind.
Regardless of whether players opt to make the trip straight to Troy, or stop and do some extra things that could pay off in the future, the way-point will be the guide once again. Head for the two towers off in the distance, then use the scaffolding to ascend to the very top. It's there that a cut scene will bring this very short story mission to a close.
Talk to Jade at the University (24:15)
It's another start here and go there objective, but this time out players can learn a cool trick along the way. There is big open square that's full of zombies that sits directly in the path to the way-point, and even free running through there would be dangerous. Kill a lone zombie on the rooftops, then choose the option to use their guts as camouflage. This will allow Mr. Crane to walk among the dead as he's completing the task at hand. When he's reached the top and entered the university it will be on to the next objective.
Tip: The camouflage doesn't last forever, so use it to get through tough section of the map and then return to the safety of the rooftops.
Leave the University | View the Transmission (26:15)
Just leave the building to complete it. Once players get outside, however, they'll need to head back to the towers and view the transmission that Troy captured.
Feel free to return to our Dying Light walkthrough, or if Kyle Crane doesn't need a break get started with Gameplay Part 11:
Source: (http://www.primagames.com)
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