Lenovo on Friday announced that its recently launched K4 Note VR bundle has received over 2 lakh registrations in the first two days of launch. The overwhelming response of customers to the K4 Note VR bundle has forced the company to close registrations 10 days ahead of schedule, it said. Registrations for Lenovo's K4 Note VR bundle had started from January 5, the very day it was launched in India. The bundle will go on sale via flash method for the first time on January 19.
While registrations for the K4 Note VR bundle have closed, the K4 Note phone (sans the ANT VR headset) will continue to be up for pre-order till January 18. The phone will go on sale again via flash methodon January 20, 2016. Those looking to get the VR headset can purchase it separately for Rs.1,299. While the K4 Note VR bundle has been priced at Rs.12,499, the K4 Note will be independently sold at Rs.11,999. The phone is an Amazon exclusive.
The K4 Note comes with a 5.5-inch FullHD IPS display and is powered by a 1.3GHz octa-core Mediatek MT6753 processor coupled with 3GB RAM and 16GB of internal memory which is further expandable by up to 128GB via microSD card. It comes with dual front speakers which support Dolby Atmos sound technology. This is the first time that any company is offering Dolby Atmos on speakers in a phone.
The K4 Note comes with TheatreMax technology that boosts content on the screen (and supports split-screen rendering), something that can be enjoyed using the compatible ANT VR headset.
The phone comes with a fingerprint sensor on the rear and runs Android 5.1 Lollipop which is topped with the company's VibeUI. It sports a 13MP camera on the rear and a 5MP camera on the front. It is backed by a 3,300mAh battery.
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