Wednesday 20 April 2016

ShockClock: A wristband that will electrocute you for oversleeping

The Shock Clock Indiegogo campaign has been more than funded after its launch on Tuesday because it promises to train you to wake up better.
The ShockClock is a wristband that tries waking you up with beeps and vibrations but resorts to electrocution if you don’t. The makers of this alarm assure you that your sleep habits will automatically change.
Based on the principle of aversion theory, your body starts waking up with the beep and vibration to avoid being shocked.
You can however manage the intensity of shock and snooze settings on the wrist band with the companion app.
ShockClock is available at $79 with shipping dates in September on Indiegogo. But If you spend $50 more, you can get your hands on one in a few days.


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