Meet with Jade in the Boxcar (4:22)
Find an Entrance into the School (6:23)
There shouldn't be any bad guys hanging around outside the school, and the entrance that Jade was talking about is on the southwest side. It's a door that's bolted shut, and trying to pass through will trigger her to give Kyle further ideas on how to get inside. Look for a way-point on the map, then move to that location and go through the door.
Tip: Inside that door is also a Bomber and a chest that requires its lock to be picked. Avoid the bomber, then loot the chest.
Get Inside the School (8:02)
Open the hatch and go inside.
Look for Antizin | Turn off the Alarm
There's a way-point on the map that will take players to the location that needs to be searched for Antizin, but this school is a gold mine for supplies of all nature. Spend some time looking around and grabbing up whatever will fit into Mr. Crane's greedy little pockets, slowly but surely getting closer to the objective.
About the time that the loudspeaker is activated we ran into some human goons, and these guys can take a lot of melee damage. If the gun players picked up in the previous mission is an option, now is a great time to use it. Go for head-shots on these fools, as one bullet to the dome should be sufficient to bring them down. If the gun isn't an option, try to lure them through the door (into the room with all the body bags) so that only one can attack at a time. Throwing Stars and Throwing Knives are also a good second option.
Continue moving through the rooms and picking up supplies until reaching an area that is shaded out on the map. That's the room with the alarm, and turning it off will knock off part of this objective.
With the alarm off, the path forward is fairly simple to navigate, although there are a lot of enemies and supplies to be concerned with. How players approach it is a choice in style however, so we'll leave the details in the hands of each individual gamer, instead explaining what needs to be done.
First of all, head to the way-point and run up the stairs, keep moving forward until there is another shaded area of the map. There's humans and zombies in there to complicate things, which is once again why a gun would come in handy. The same as before, however, players can also get by with some Throwing Stars and Throwing Knives. When everything is dead, search the place and check in with Jade for further instructions.
Meet Jade in Storage C (17:17)
There are a few options as to how to get through this highly dangerous section of the mission. The first is to methodically move from room to room and kill all the zombies, then loot the place for all its worth. The second option is to move quickly past the slow moving foes and head straight for the way-point, which just so happens to be another stairwell. Either way, snatch the key from a nearby locker before heading out.
Tip: As players are descending the stairs there will be a Bomber who emerges from behind a door. The door will have a C and arrow pointing to the left beside it. Make sure this guy doesn't blow up within three meters of Mr. Crane.
The path to Storage C gets crazy after reaching the bottom of the steps. There's another Bomber in front of Kyle, but there are also lower level zombies behind him to block a retreat. Use a Throwing Star to kill the Bomber, and if that's not possible lure him closer to the rest of his zombie pals and try to take them out with some friendly fire. When it's all done, meet up with Jade.
Eliminate Rais' Thugs | Leave the School (22:30)
It's gun time again, if that's an option. We know that's the third or fourth time we've said it, but the value of a firearm can't be stressed enough in this mission. Should players possess one, go for head-shots on the human targets, then be sure to loot their bodies for anything that can be kept or sold to a Vendor at the Tower. When the thugs are down, leave the school.
Meet with Jade Back at the Tower
The enemy that appears just outside the school is called a Bolter, and they only come out at night. The good news is they will most likely run away rather than attack, but given that their tissue can be used as a crafting agent, perusing and kill them is still a good idea. Their locations are marked on the map, but getting to them among the Virals and Volatiles will be a task.
The trip back to the Tower is sketchy given that there are Virals and Volatiles out and about. For players that have been securing Safe Houses nearby, these would be a good option to pass the night, continuing with the trip when daylight breaks. In our case, daylight was almost there, so we opted to stay out and hide from these foes, getting a nice boost in our Survivor experience for the trouble.
Feel free to return to our Dying Light walkthrough, or get right back out there and proceed to Gameplay part 7:
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