Talk to Zere and Quartermaster about the Bolters
Zere is in the Tower, and talking to him will give players an objective to move on for a secondary chat with the Quartermaster. This will result in Crane's map showing the location of these Bolters, a handy feature if players are going to snag a sample.
Sneak Close to a Bolter and Get a Tissue Sample (5:29)
If it's daylight then players will want to catch a nap and wait for night, then sneak out to look for a Bolter under the cover of darkness. The cool thing is there is one very close to the Tower. Get a weapon out and sneak up behind the Bolter in the crouched position, then hack it up when within range. This triggered a night pursuit for us, something is once again made more manageable by the fact Crane is so close to the Tower. Of course, players could also just deliver the sample to the Safe Zone that Dr. Zere hangs out in since it's right next door.
Look for Rahim on the Overpass (11:34)
Want to hear a cool feature? Even though Rahim is in immediate danger, players won't be penalized for staying the night at the Safe Zone where Dr. Zere hangs out. Grab a nap, then head out first thing in the morning to find Jade's brother and bail him out of trouble.
Once at the overpass there will be signs of a struggle (understatement), but there is no immediate danger to Crane. Just loot through all the bodies until the objective is complete.
Check the Train Yard Buildings for Rahim (13:00)
Players should be able to reach the next waypoint by hopping from rooftop to rooftop, and can even take part in a pretty nifty parkour opportunity that will take them past a hoard of zombies hanging out on a second overpass. Continue moving on until dropping down to the ground level and opening the door that sits at the location of the objective marker.
Look for Rahim
There are some bad things hanging out near the train car that Rahim is hiding out in, and if players have anything that goes boom, now would be the time to use it. It's not an impossible fight using strictly melee weapons, but at the same time it's not exactly the most efficient approach. Either way, make them dead.
When the lower level undead are down, get ready to battle another Toad, something that is far easier than it seems. The Toad only has one advantage on players, and that's its ranged attack. Try to fight it from a distance and the Toad can do damage. However, get up close and personal and this puss spewing fool can be hacked up faster than even the most common zombie.
Place the Bombs at the Volatiles' Nest (16:30)
Pay close attention to the map and start free running for the nest. Players will encounter some regular zombies along the way, but these are nothing to fuss with. Just run past them unless it's not possible.
Tip: If players must fight, try to kick zombies off of the ledges that are scattered around the terrain. Rather than hack away and waste time, a swift kick in their undead guts should knock them down a few floors.
Two bombs need to be planted, and like everything else in this game there is a handy little objective marker to guide the way. Once the first bomb is in place, head up a floor to plant the second one, then get out of the building and get clear of the blast zone. Just be mindful of the Goon (Mr. Hammer) who would just love to get up close and personal with Kyle Crane.
Help Rahim Get Back to the Tower (20:44)
Backtrack to the train car that Rahim was originally hiding in to trigger a cut scene, then get back to the Tower for a chat with Brecken. There are one or two more specific objective updates that will appear on the HUD, but nothing that takes further explaining. Upon Crane's return there will be a cut scene that brings the mission to an end.Feel free to return to our Dying Light walkthrough, or get right back out there and proceed to Gameplay Part 8:
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