It’s been a while since we’ve heard what’s going on over at Tango Gameworks, and with good reason. The developer has been hard at work making The Evil Within’s season pass DLC. Over on the Bethesda Blog, the developer finally spoke up about what we can expect from the new content. The season pass is comprised of three packs. Two story-driven episodes centered on Sebastian Castellano's partner Juli Kidman, and a third that lets you play as the game’s already iconic The Keeper.
The Kidman packs are slated to be released first. The first episode, titled The Assignment, is due out sometime in early 2015. Part two of that story, The Consequence, and The Keeper DLC will follow later in the year.
John Johanas, the director of the Kidman DLC, talks about how the content will rekindle the oppressive horror elements of some of the game’s early chapters, while also illuminating new details and discoveries about The Evil Within’s world. Johanas sites a number of inspirations for the expansion, including Dishonored’s The Knife of Dunwall and Red Dead Redemption’s Undead Nightmare. Could that be a coy hint that the Kidman content will offer a revisionist look at The Evil Within's events?
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