Monday, 2 November 2015

Batman: Arkham Knight for PC may Never be Fixed, WB offers Refunds

Batman: Arkham Knight re-released on Steam, you'd think that publisher WB has put the worst behind it.

From a last minute change in system requirements needed to play the game, activation issues for disc copies, and extremely poor performance on PC, there was very little reason for PC Gamers to bother with developer Rocksteady's latest adventure starring the caped crusader. The game was pulled from Steam and the publisher confirmed that it would return on October 28.

Barely three days later, the company announced it would be accepting refunds on the game until the end of 2015.

"We are very sorry that many our customers continue to be unhappy with the PC version of Batman: Arkham Knight. We worked hard to get the game to live up to the standard you deserve, but understand that many of you are still experiencing issues," a post on the game's Steam page reads.

"Until the end of 2015, we will be offering a full refund on Batman: Arkham Knight PC, regardless of how long you have played the product. You can also return the Season Pass along with the main game (but not separately). For those of you that hold onto the game, we are going to continue to address the issues that we can fix and talk to you about the issues that we cannot fix."

What's worrying is the last part of WB's statement that claims certain issues that can't be fixed. This is despite the tremendous amount of time taken by WB and repeated promises in the past that all will be well with the PC version. Furthermore, those who bought the game on disc or via third-party sellers like G2Play are unable to claim the refund.

Nonetheless, to sweeten the deal, WB have announced that every game in the Batman Arkham series will be available free to early buyers of Batman: Arkham Knight.

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